
100 Critical Days

1-How did you plan your first 100 days, what kind of goals did you set for yourself? If we group the planning function into three…

The Question “How Does Turkey Make It?” At The Mazars World Meeting

Mazars’ Turkish Partner Denge’s CEO İzel Levi Coşkun, who attended the world meeting of the SME section (OMB-Owner’s Managed Business) in Paris on September 22…

How does sustainable entrepreneurship lead to gaining a sustainable competitive advantage?

Today, as the effects of global climate change are being increasingly felt, notions such as sustainable development, stakeholder participation, corporate social responsibility, environmental impact, Global…

Can Sustainable Entrepreneurship act as an Engine for Sustainable Development?

“The Sustainable Entrepreneur generally focuses on the root sustainable added value rather thanhow the economic return is yielded. Accordingly sustainable entrepreneurship encompasses a wide range…

Entrepreneurship Environment & Angel Investment in Turkey

30 Mart Pazartesi günü Fransız Ticareti Derneği’nce düzenlenen “Le Cercle”toplantısında gerçekleştirdiğim “Entrepreneurship Environment & Angel Investment in Turkey”başlıklı sunuma ulaşmak için tıklayınız.

Why is integrated reporting important for sustainability?

The heavy responsibility to leave a better future to the next generation in a period in which we are experiencing the pain of transitioning to…

How Can Entrepreneurs Attract Investors?

You are resolved to become an entrepreneur. You have come up with a good idea and managed to put together a certain amount of money…

Unforgivable Mistakes of Angel Investors

The notion of angel investment in Turkey is even more recent than the concept of entrepreneurship. It is worth noting that it has been hardly…

Mazars Academy Teaches IFRS and TFRS Through E-Learning

İzel Levi Coşkun, the CEO of the financial advisory services firm Mazars Denge remarked that although there are still discussions taking place around the new…

About European Audit Reform

The Audit Reform adopted by the European Union in April 2014 finally lays down the foundations for a single market for the audit of European…


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