3 Important Lessons For Angel Investors
I do not feel the need to be a shareholder of a start-up if I want to be an angel investor. After all, there is…
I do not feel the need to be a shareholder of a start-up if I want to be an angel investor. After all, there is…
30 Mart Pazartesi günü Fransız Ticareti Derneği’nce düzenlenen “Le Cercle”toplantısında gerçekleştirdiğim “Entrepreneurship Environment & Angel Investment in Turkey”başlıklı sunuma ulaşmak için tıklayınız.
You are resolved to become an entrepreneur. You have come up with a good idea and managed to put together a certain amount of money…
The notion of angel investment in Turkey is even more recent than the concept of entrepreneurship. It is worth noting that it has been hardly…